Fuller Public Library Trustee Minutes, February 12, 2024

In Attendance: Phil Daley, Samantha Gallo, Heidi Doyle, Norma Hubbard, Helen Cole, Trish Bush, and Melinda Gehris

Minutes from January: Melinda’s name was spelled wrong, otherwise accepted.

Transaction report looked fine, all accepted.

LIFT: There were 56 visits last month, 2 completed their HiSETs, 4 new enrollments and many more phone calls inquiring about the program. Former student (10 years) just completed an adult learner program and a former student took the realtor’s exam.

Essential Ed expense a bit higher than expected due to the increase of high school students enrolling, so Trish purchased more seats.

Looking for corporate donors, LIFT received many literacy grants in 2023.

In 2023 LIFT served 64.5% of Hillsboro residents. Coming in early on Fridays and looking to hire a tutor for 3 hrs per week, beginning March 5.

Samantha brought 2 policies, one was a revision and the other new. Melinda moved to accept the revisions for the Supervised Family Visitation and Therapy Services Policy, Heidi seconded, all accepted.

The second policy was the Toniebox Circulation Policy. Heidi moved to accept, Melinda seconded, all accepted.

Samantha asked for an extra hour to be added to the Children’s Librarians pay each week for emails she responds to while not at work. The need to answer these emails is important prior to Storytime because we have a limit to the amount of people that can attend. Melinda proposed 2 hours.

Samantha told everyone about 2 great How To’s Day programs that Dianna has organized outside of the library. The first was held at Dancing Wind Studios, 2 sessions with 28 people. They offered the attendees coffee and snacks and didn’t’ charge the library. The second will be in March at Daisy Jack Studios, patrons will make pottery, they are charging the library $25 for supplies. This class is already full with a wait list.

Melinda suggested comtacting Bill Caswell about a covered bridge talk, he has several books he has written and he’s an interesting guy.

We will skip our March meeting due to Town Meeting being the next night. Next meeting will be April 8.

Our heat is in trouble again. Mitsubishi will have to come out to inspect the one unit outside that is not working, there are broken valves. Samantha said that she would like staff to work in warmer areas if possible. We will close the library if it becomes too cold for staff to work.

Meeting adjourned at 6:31pm.