Article I: Name
This organization shall be called the Board of Trustees of the Fuller Public Library, in Hillsborough, existing by virtue of RSA 202 of the Laws of the State of New Hampshire and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under this statute.
Article II: Membership
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of five (5) members, one elected annually (every 3 years two will be elected), according to RSA 202-A: 6 for a period of three years. The election shall occur at the annual meeting of the Town of Hillsborough by ballot, in conjunction with the election of Town officers and officials.
Section 2. If a vacancy shall occur, the remaining Trustees shall submit a list of substitute candidates to the selectmen, who shall then appoint one such substitute Trustee to complete the year. A replacement to fill that Trustee’s term will be elected at the next annual Town Meeting.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees may recommend to the Selectmen no more than 3 persons who may serve as alternate members on the board when elected members are unable to attend a board meeting.
Section 4. The Trustees shall meet the legal requirement as listed on pages 5-8 of the New Hampshire Library Trustees Manual (1996).
Article III. The Board of Trustees and Its Duties
Section 1. The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing the overall direction and long-term goals of the library. The Trustees, working in conjunction with the Library Director, shall develop ongoing five-year plans for the library, and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the goals of those plans are met.
Section 2. The Trustees are responsible for expending the monies raised and appropriated to meet the needs of the Library each current year.
Section 3. The Trustees shall expend monies from Trust Funds according to the terms of the bequest or donation. The Trustees shall see that donations in addition to the budget during any year shall not be used to reduce the amount raised by the Town for the operation of the Library.
Section 4. The Board and the Library Director shall prepare an annual budget.
Section 5. The Trustees shall make an annual report, including all receipts from income, and expenditures by categories, and shall include any unexpended balance with explanation. The report shall be given to the Town for its Annual Meeting, and submitted to the State Library.
Section 6. Trustees and the Library Director have the authority to create committees to support the work of the Library as necessary, and to appoint members of those committees. Committee members shall report to the Trustees.
Article IV. Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. The officers shall be Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be elected at the first board meeting held after Town Meeting and serve until the next Town Meeting.
Section 2. The Chair may choose to preside at meetings of the Board, or may appoint another to preside. The Chair may also authorize calls for special meetings of the Board, appoint committees, and perform all duties associated with the office. The Chair may move, second, and vote upon any proposal before the board.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall act in the place of the Chair when the Chair is absent. The Treasurer oversees all monies appropriated by the town and all funds with which the library is endowed, consult with the Director in preparing the next year’s budget, accept the interest due on trust funds handled by the Trustees of the Trust, and shall perform such other duties as are generally required of the office. As the disbursing officer of the board, the Treasurer shall sign all checks unless unavailable, in that case the Chair and the Secretary are also considered, for the purpose of signing checks, Deputy Treasurers.
Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all meeting of the Board, see that all minutes are on permanent file at the library and sent to all members of the Board five days before the next meeting, make minutes available for public posting, as required by law, and perform such other duties as are generally associated with the office.
Section 5. The Chair and the Director shall meet with the Selectmen to arrive at a budget to be presented to the Town for action at its Annual Meeting.
Section 6. When a Trustee vacancy is filled, the Trustees may reassign positions and functions at their discretion.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The Trustees shall meet a minimum of six times a year, in accordance with RSA 202A, ten times a year being preferred.
Section 2. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the Chair, the Director, or any two Trustees.
Section 3. All Trustee meetings shall be posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting and shall be open to the public in accordance with RSA 91. Section 4. As elected officials of the town, trustees are expected to attend all Board meetings. It is a Trustee’s responsibility to contact the Library Director or another Trustee if he or she is unable to attend a meeting. If a Trustee misses three meetings during any given year between town meeting without notifying
the Board or the Director, these absences shall be equivalent to a resignation.
Section 5. To carry, any action of the Trustees requires a positive vote of a majority of the trustees present. Three shall constitute a quorum.
Article VI. Library Director
Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a qualified Library Director who shall be the executive officer of the library.
Section 2. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the position of the Library Director, the Trustees shall advertise for replacement for the position and shall employ a new Director from among the acceptable applicants, seeking to find candidates with experience and training. If a new Director is hired who does not have professional training, the Board shall promote training with library courses available from accredited educational institutions and the Paralibrarian Program through the NH State Library. The Board will budget funds to cover the cost of the training.
Section 3. The Director shall recommend to the Board the appointment of other employees and specify their duties. The Director shall have the authority to appoint interim or part-time employees without prior board approval, provided that such appointment be reported to the board at their next regular board meeting.
Section 4. The Board and the Library Director working together shall establish the basic goals and purposes of the library. The Library Director shall administer the adopted policies.
Section 5. The Library Director shall be held responsible for the proper direction and supervision of the staff, for the care and maintenance of the library property, the proper and adequate selection of library resources in keeping with the policies established by the Trustees, and for the efficient provision of library service to the public.
Section 6. The Library Director shall attend regular Board Meetings and make reports and recommendations for action in ongoing matters concerning the needs and functioning of the library.
Article VII. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by the majority vote of all members of the board provided that written notice of proposed amendments, alterations, or repeals shall have been provided to all members at least ten days prior to the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.
Approved October 2006, revised August 8, 2022.